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Dean's Welcome Message

Francis Kemausuor
Dean of the Faculty

The Faculty of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering is the largest of three faculties in the College of Engineering, in terms of student numbers. As of the 2023/2024 academic year, the faculty runs ten undergraduate programmes and several graduate programmes. Total student population for the academic year stands at 4,953, with 4,706 undergraduate students and 247 graduate students. Females constitutes 22% of the total student population. The Faculty has four Departments, namely;

  1. Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
  2. Department of Chemical Engineering
  3. Department of Materials Engineering
  4. Department of Mechanical Engineering

We are fortunate to have Faculty Members of the highest calibre who possess the knowledge and abilities required to prepare students to compete in the global labour market and address societal problems. Our academic programmes have been carefully created to match the evolving needs of business, and most of our graduates are still in demand in today's labour market. The Faculty has strong ties to the business community, and via our ongoing mentorship programmes and career-focused initiatives, we have made substantial efforts to close the gap between academia and businesses. There is a good mix of Ghanaian and international students studying in the Faculty. Our cutting-edge facilities and well-stocked laboratories offer a serene studious environment for academic work. Over the years, our strategic engagement with business has positioned our students to be entrepreneurially prepared to solve social challenges. We, therefore, ask you to stay in touch and interact with us through our contact details on our website. We are here to help you achieve the highest level of professional advancement possible. 

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